Intonation Gives Meaning



I have heard and probably you have heard many speeches and presentations that were well organized with excellent content that had less than the desired effect on the audience.  More than likely, the key ingredient that was missing was vocal intonation to give the message some life. 

When you are speaking to an audience and every word has the same tonality and emphasis, how in the world is your listener going to know what is of importance.  Instead, they are just trying to stay awake and be courteous. 

It is up to you to give the key concepts in a way that they stand out and are noted.  One way is to, what I call, giving the word, phase or sentence some “Punch.”  If what you are saying is important, make it sound important.  To add additional effect, slow-down or speed-up a bit to give added attention to what you are saying.  If it is of major significance, figure out how to use repetition to help your audience remember the information you are providing them.